Before I go to the main event, I juz wanna deeply thank all of you who have wished for my recent b'day. Honto ni arigatou gozaimasu~!!! *bows*

Although I did mention that it wasn't necessary to write an entry, but surprisingly most of you did. "It makes my heart feel super happy!" (quoted from the cartoon series, Ni Hao Kai Lan)
So, I've got an awesomely great surprise for all of you! If you wanna know, you've got to read until the end of this entry, hihi~... (✿◠‿◠)
OK. Now, let's see who are the winners for my previous giveaway. Omedetou~~!! ♡^▽^♡
To the winners, I'll contact you via the email you gave me. ^_^
For the rest of you, here's the surprise I'm gonna give you. I'll be following your blog & I'll read your posts starting from now on. Woohoo~~!! Honestly, I wish I could give all of you presents, but I've juz started working as a freelance translator. But, I promise you, I'll be hosting a giveaway when I get my 1st paycheck, orait? O(≧∇≦)O
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!