Since I've been nearly 4 days off from the blogosphere, I have loads of blogs to visit. So today, I have been joining my own blog marathon, blogwalking, blogrunning, blogjogging & other blogging stuff, hehe.. XP
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Blogger (you): Nani??! Nisa-chan commented on all of my posts again.. huhu... "-_- |
Nana-chan makes real cute doodles. All of you should follow her coz her blog is super nice & interesting, plus her owh-so-kawaii doodles that I simply admire~.. ^_^ ♥
P/s - still a lot more blogs to blogswim to, hihi~...
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
waaaaaaaaaa cantik !!! hehe , hannah comel. teringin sgt jumpa hannah. gath nnti akk bawak x hannah? :D
ReplyDeleteawww, i'm still amateur at this nisa-chan. there r a bunch of doodlers out there > greater n > pro than i am.
ReplyDeleteawwwww, arigato gozaimasu nisa-chan/
comel... :)
ReplyDeletecute ! :D
ReplyDelete@Nia: hehe.. xtau lg nk bwk Hannah ke x time gath nnti.. tgk dlu aa ye, Nia, hehe.. >_<
ReplyDelete@nana-chan: amateur pun, but still ur doodles are cute!!!! luv them all, esp the one u made for me, hihi~... Thanks again eh nana-chan~.. ^_^
@eca: comel kn? hehe..
@Ira: sgt3 cute~!!!
@angah: hihi~.. comel cam akak & Hannah, kn kn? XP
cantik nisa doodle tu.
ReplyDelete@Kak Fieda: hihi~.. thanks kak.. kwn blogger yg wat kn nie...
ReplyDeletehannah siapakah?? hehee..lama xjengah sini..nisa :)
ReplyDeletehahaha...comel je.selamat ber'BW' la ye.tak larat gak kadang-kadang nak terjah sume sebab tak cukup masa.malam je ada nak baca blog.wuuuu
ReplyDeletenad pon tengah gigih blogwalking ni sayang..tapi tak dapat la nk baca 5 entry satu blog macam nisa buat kat nad..:D
ReplyDeletemasa terhad.. T_T
lari dari key in data..:D
best larh dapat doodle..nti bawak hanah x g gath syg?
Salam, sy dengan rasminya melepaskan komen untuk menjemput owner blog join saya punya bloglist jika sudi..hehe..di link ::
@nisa-chan,it's pUn memg suka awk kOmen entry sy..hihi...
ReplyDeletetertanya2 jugak...camner nak wat doodle ni eh?
ReplyDelete@shida: Hannah tue my special girl, hihi~... lame xjenguk shida gak.. XP
ReplyDelete@alan-kun: hehe.. tau xpe.. byk sgt blog nk kne visit nie, hehe.. >_<
@nad: sy bile ade mase je akn bc byk2 entry dlm 1 blog, hehe.. tgk dlu aa nk bwk ke x Hannah gi gath, xconfirm lg, hehe... wah, nad bkak bliglist eh? cambest je..
@syahmi-kun: hihi~.. nsb baik syahmi-kun xmarah eh..
@Clive-kun: jgn tnye sy, coz sy pun xreti nk wat doodle camne, hoho.. XD
ReplyDeletehahaha...terkejut giler time tu...
hehe..22 komen tu..(bukan full 22)
Bestlah didoodlekan...heehee..gud luck!!
suka BW dari update blog sendiri... eh! tetibe pulak ^^
ReplyDeletepercaya tak kalu saya cakap ramai orang sayang sama kamu..sbb nisa sll ingat pada mereka..:)
ReplyDeletenisaaaaaaaaa.... doodle tu sgt conel..hihii.. suka nya sy tgk :-)
ReplyDeletecomel. hehe. suka tengok. >_<
ReplyDeletecantiknye editing yg dilakukan....
ReplyDeletesorry lama x masuk sini....
bz cikit....
instead of being annoyed,i think people will feel touched instead.hehehe
ReplyDeletebtw,nice doodle up there! your friend is talented. wish she can doodlify my pic too.hihi xD
xpe.. kayuh pelahan2.. ekeke
ReplyDeleteJapanisuuu~ :D
ReplyDeleteWell, for me, I'll just read at the dashboard and only read it in a full version if I find it cool!
comel gmbr tu..cute aje tgk..