1. nanakimie
2. Yumida
3. Nor Nadiah
4. *zafirah elfishy*
5. FatmaFazira
6. memey janie (couldn't comment)
7. NurAfeeqah (couldn't comment)
8. Ain Zuhairi
9. hidayahKim --'
10. Qurratu Ainn (didn't wish & couldn't comment)
11. cik kiera
12. Mia Cadbury
13. Miss Sheila
14. Miss Shieyra
15. qila aliesya
16. Nur Shamira Aida
17. Sofea Riena
18. Hanis Syazana
19. AkmaDanira (couldn't comment)
21. Naruha Atsuko
22. girang [dot] taemin
23. Miss aJ
24. Hanamiko Sakura
25. Hamizah :D
26. ^o^...Cek pipah L!fe Story
27. nur_za
28. Nurul Aisyah
29. Fazi Isma
30. Farra Izzaty
31. AMNA
32. INA_Noorlina
33. ct
34. KyLeLina
35. ezzamalik
36. are_lin@yu
37. ♥♥cikHannah♥♥
38. fieda
39. waniey20~
40. Lefthanded Gurlz (didn't wish & no backlink)
41. Ummi Iman
42. Cik Purple Pinkypuff
43. ♥♥azatiesayang♥♥
44. nuyui a.k.a miss YUI
45. Miss Bunbun Cat
46. Cik Rose Cute
47. nurmujahidah (didn't wish)
48. AmirahSyafiqah ♥
49. Eika Nur
50. Darling Ninie
51. Nur Wahyuni
52. NEL
53. Dieyna
54. Luv Story
55. Nabila Medan
57. imie fatiema ©
58. ieyda
59. nuha zahari
60. midawr
61. wan niahix
62. Cik Angah Humaira
63. Princess Shin
64. Fara Tasya
66. si budak nerd
67. !Ayna!
68. Pwincess Sarah
69. Nida
70. syiela
I hope that those who haven't wished for Hannah's b'day will do so later, as it is one of the terms of my GA. There are a few blogs that I couldn't leave a comment, huhu~..
This list will be updated from time to time. Haven't joined my GA yet? Click --> here <--
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
no 12 ^^, mybe my luck.insyaAllah. >.<
ReplyDeleteeh eh,nana org 1st ye join:)
ReplyDeletehee...hope ada rezeki nana mng mana2 adiah tu^-^
me 11 . tengs :)
ReplyDeletehehehe , befday kite esok laa , 9/4 . hewwuu-2 :p
nombo 3 masuk sini yer bagi cerita..:D
ramai dah join..yui still dlm draft ni..hihi.
ReplyDeleteNama nisa masuk dalam entry ni..:)
Unabelom join lagi tapi nak wish dulu dekat birthday cute girl dulu boley ?? Happy Birthday Hanna Husna.. same with my name la.. ngeee..
ReplyDeletesis..try buka blog saya balik..saya buka oke je..
ReplyDeletebuka eh..
@Mia: insyaAllah~..
ReplyDelete@nanakimie: yup3, nana org 1st yg join, thanks tau!! t'haru sy, hehe.. :')
@cik kiera: wah, lahir bln 4 gak eh? hepi belated b'day... >_<
@Nad: thanks nad coz sudi promote sy, ngehehehe.. XD
@yui: yeay, yui dh join, hehe.. thanks dear!
@CikUna: leh je dear.. arigato gozaimasu for the wish.. ha'ah, name same kn, hehe.. ^_^
@Cek pipah: ok dear, nnti akak try bkak blog awk lg ye.. jgn risau, hehe..
salam sis nisa...
ReplyDeletepenyertaan sy no. 2 tu dibatalkan..
sy de hantar penyertaan yg baru...
kim salam comel kat hannah..today bday dia kan....hpi bday utk dia :)
nape nama sy takde???