Phew~.. Talk about being busy. But at last, I have finished going through all of the entries of my GA participants. So, here I have 2 good news esp for you. ^_^

Firstly, the winners of my GA will be announced this coming Tuesday (1st May 2012). Make sure you're online on that day to see whether you're that lucky winner!
Secondly, even though I have asked for the participants to make a simple entry about the GA, but a few of you have gone through much effort to write up & produce very nice entries. Thus, I will also pick one winner who has the best entry, along wif the other winners (who are gonna be picked randomly)
Dakara~.. Pray that you win. And do check if your name is listed in the participant's list. I have updated the list (finally, haha..) ">_<
P/s - I really miss my active blogging days, huhu~.. T_T
Till then, thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
kisses hannah's saving.. :)
ReplyDeletenot hoping more or less...
ReplyDeleten gudluck everyone...
orite! i can't wait.. hehehe :D
ReplyDelete@Eca: thanks dearie~..
ReplyDelete@wan: gud luck to u too!!
@AMNA: ke?
@Hani-chan: wait aa, hehe.. >_<
rindu kat nisa.. dh lama blog nisa x update.. busy dgn study ek.. :-)
ReplyDeletetake care tau
klik2 tabung hannah :-)
sis..kalau nak jadi penaja,boleh email kepada :)
ReplyDeletehuuhu mesti sya x menang kan..sbb saya tulis pendek je :(
ReplyDeletehmmm rindunya akak...bila akak nak blogwalking mcm dulu ek?
haritu siap komen lagi entry lepas..hahah
huuu rindu...
@Ina: rndu kat Ina gak.. tue la, busy ngan study la nie.. smpi blog pun t'abai, huhu~.. kne tggu abis study dlu aa br leh blogging active cam dlu..
ReplyDelete@Eca: ok dear.. thanks ye inform..
@Aisyah-chan: jgn la sdih2.. akak gne random je pilih winners... sorg je yg akak pilih ikut entry, hehe.. akak tgh busy sgt.. nnti2 akak dtg jenguk blog Aisyah ye.. >_<
nisa bz ye..padan lah lama tak nmpk..
ReplyDeletealways active . ouchh ~
ReplyDeletetak sabar :*
hehe :)