Honto ni arigato for those who have joined my GA. Gomenasai for keeping you waiting for the pics of the GA prizes.
Well, wait no longer, coz here are the not-so-awesome-but-worthy prizes for you to win! ^_^
a pencil case from Vietnam
a fridge magnet from Taiwan
a fridge magnet from Hong Kong
3 Hong Kong Disneyland keychains
5 felt keychains from Greennnpanda Craft

All those overseas souvenirs are courtesy of my mom Ummi who likes to buy stuff whenever she goes out of the country. Hehe.. Well, I juz hope the winners will like the prizes.. >_< Haven't joined my GA yet? Click --> here <--
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
tau x? yg akak buat tu lagi cantik..hehehehhee...saya suke!! cute2 belaka...hehehe yg dr jepun xde ke!! XD
ReplyDeletehihihi.....akak ada baca x apa saya ckp kat shoutbox akak tempoh hari??
ReplyDeletehiihi...yg lelaki tu of course lah musume akak punya bpak..ekekeke kan?
nak FM tu,hee:)
ReplyDeletekalau xnmpk post ne.xthu pun kak nisa ada buat GA..adeii..heeheehee :)
ReplyDeletewill be join,insyaallah.
i want too..plz give me one..hihii..
ReplyDeletecomei,comei je sume hadiah nie..
ReplyDeletemenariknye pencil tu..kalau Nel dapat kan best ;)
ReplyDeletebest3. yg felt craft tu comel ;p
ReplyDeleteYG rabbit tu comel bangat seh ! :D
ReplyDeletefelt keychain cupcake tu sangat comel! :DD
ReplyDeletetak sabar menunggu la.. hehe
ReplyDeleteAlamak !!! semua cute la dear.. ermm,, nak join tapi macam tak hebat je.. ramai lagi yang hebat, wuuuu.. good luck for them ya !!
ReplyDeletenk hadiah jg.huhuu
ReplyDeletealamakkkk telupa plak nak join... huhuu...
ReplyDeletebkn pe, sy pun dh lama tak aktifkan diri dlm GA ni.. tu yg blog GA pun dh jarang update...