Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Of apologies & yet another BE~...

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Yeah, I know, I haven't been blogging much recently. Gomenasai, minna-san~... Although this week is my mid-sem break, I have loads of stuff to do: 

* catch up wif my studies (it's my final year!!!!)
* do assignments
* finish up the load of craft orders~..

So, I may not be as active at blogging as I used to anymore.. T_T But, I promise that I will visit you back when I'm free, OK? I still haven't even approved your comments yet~.. "-_-

BTW, surprisingly, I got another BE from Nuffnang, which is my 20th BE, hehe.. Thanks a lot Nuffnang~!! ^_^ Now I have 3 running BEs~...

To the bloggers who always ask when will they get a BE, let's juz say, have a lot of patience. I first started to get my 1st BE last year, and I've been blogging since August 2010. All the BEs that I got are all at my old blog (which only a few of you know, hehehehe..) This blog hasn't got a BE yet, although UVs & traffics are higher at this blog compared to my old one.

So, like I said, have a lot of patience, keep blogging & don't forget to do a lotttttttttttt of  blogwalking to increase traffic to your blog. >_<

Till then, thanks for reading & happy blogging & hepi holidays as well~!! (Hepi Deepavali & Awal Muharram~)


  1. Tahniah. Murah rezeki blog nie.

  2. takpe dear.. dahulukan mana yg perlu ya..

    tahniah.. selalu dapat be..jele2..

  3. bersabar~~

    selamat menyambut awal muharram... ^_^

  4. chemay pun sama.
    even tak berapdet pun.
    nuff tetap kasi be.

  5. Wah...lawanye blog! Done following you..if sudi, singgah la kat blog saya. http://ilhanis.blogspot.com/

  6. wow..tahniah2..
    kita punya none ado ;(

    tgh cari idea nk hantaq surat cinta ..huhu..
    nak cpuv plok

  7. konnichiwa nisa-chan..

    sy pun ngh cuti sem jg..
    situasi kamu sama spti sy jg.huhuu

  8. Hoho jelesnya.. Xprnah lg dpat..well padanla update pun jarang2..nuffnang pun baru buat 2 bulan lapas sebenarnya..ekekeke..ok follow sini..

  9. saya pun lama jugak dah tak bw... sangat sibuk...cuti pun tak rasa macam cuti.....

  10. well... BE is all about traffic.. hehe...

    nway, congrate my friend...

    "keep smiling"

    -Wan Niahix-

  11. @Mieya: thanks ye dear.. tp BE nie sumer kat blog lame, bkn blog nie, hehe..

    @Dysha senpai: arigato ne..

    @yui: tue la.. hehe.. dpt BE pun, tp earning ciput je.. nk tggu cashout nie, huhu~..

    @ruha: hepi awal muharram gak~..

    @beckhrooy: thanks ye..

    @shida: mmg best coz dpt naikkn earnings, hehe.. >_<

    @chemay: kn? syg aa kat nuff coz baik ati, hihi~.. XP

    @Ilhanis: thanks dear.. nnti sy jenguk & follow awk blk ye..

    @Kak Sue: ala kak, lame2 nnti ade la tue, hehe..

    @syahmi-kun: sou desu ne.. hehe.. kang sy jenguk blog awk, tgk dh update ke blum... XP

    @Mr Doctor: br join Nuff eh? xpe, nnti lame2 dpt la tue.. thanks ye..

    @zahidahwahid: tue la, cuti x rs cam cuti pun, adeh.. "-_-

    @Mee: hehe..mmg masyuk woo~..

    @Wan: traffic..yup.. but my blog doesn't have a high traffic though, hehe.. thanks my fren.. ^_^


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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