Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Finally..I've graduated~!! Alhamdulillah...

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Sorry for being absent from the blogosphere & not visiting you back. I've been busy wif work which requires a lot of time & attention.

Back to the main story... Finally, after years of studying, I have graduated from University of Malaya on 4th October 2013. A 3-year course ended up to be 5 years long, as I encountered some problems a long the way (that are personal, huhu~...)

I'm grateful to Allah to be given a chance to finish my studies. And I'm very much thankful to my wonderful parents, family, lecturers & frens who have helped me out greatly, even tough there were times that I thought of stopping my studies. I can never repay them back, although I will try my very best to do so.

Hard work & patience are rewarding in the end. ^_^ Even when the going gets tough, you should never give up. 

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. alhamdulillah..tahniah nisa!:)

  2. @yui: thanks dear... ^_^

    @sis imie: thanks sis..

    @nana: alhamdulillah...hihi~.. thanks nana...

  3. patutlah nampak tak online sgt..
    apa2 pun tahniah2..
    lepas nie jadi lecturer ke??

  4. tahniah nisa.. bestnya dah habis.. bila lah giliran sy pulak nak hbs.. tak sbr rasanya..hihihi

  5. tahniah! siap dapat minion lagi^^

  6. tahniah nisa
    wah dah konvo dah..beznye..bunga konvo tu pun cantik
    sure hepi ni lepas melalui pengalaman study
    all d bez utk nisa lepas ni

  7. tahniah dear..wah minionnnnnn...cantiknyerrr
    kenapa time saya dolu2 xde minionnnn ni.. T_T...TSK

  8. Tahniah Nisa ;D
    Moga terus success ;D

  9. @shida: thanks dear.. eh, xla..xjd lecturer lg..ngehehe... XD mayb kot.. :P

    @karimah: thanks..hihi~.. insyaAllah turn awk akn smpi xlame lg, yeay~~...

    @deno: thanks dear.. hihi~... ^_^

    @Eyma Balkish: thanks~...

    @Sis Yumida: thanks sis..hepi gak sbb dh grad tp rndu zaman stdy pun ade, muehehe.. XD

    @Anis Shafeera: thanks....hehe.. skrg nie teddy bear sumer dh kne gnti ngan minion lak..

    @ros_reeza: thanks~!!

    @rodiyatul akmar: thanks dearie..

    @Kak MJ: thanks kak... amin... :3


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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