Friday, 13 January 2012

Especially for my lovely active & silent readers~..

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Firstly, domo arigato for those you wished me luck in my exams yesterday. FYI, the Japanese paper was extremely muzukashii (difficult)!! ">_< Nevermind, 1 more paper to go~..

I have something to say here. I'm really touched & surprised that my blog even have readers such as yourselves. ^_^ It's bcoz I didn't expect anyone to come read my posts, since I write what comes to mind, esp personal stuff.

But every single day, there's always you (yeah, you) coming here, reading my owh-so-boring posts, and leaving me wonderful comments. I appreciate all of them so much~!!

And to know that I have loyal readers like you & some of you which are silent readers as well, I feel honoured! Esp Nuha Zahari who likes to be my loyal silent reader, hihi~.. Thanks dearies~!! >_<

So, here's a BIG hug from me to all my lovely readers... Muahh~!!

Today, I'm gonna blogwalk & comment at your blogs, hihi~.. ^_^

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. nak jadi silent rider gak la :D

  2. nak jadi silent rider gak la :D

  3. dou datta??kekka wa itsu detekuru no??
    (cmne?result bile kuar?) hehehe..

  4. Bertuahnya Nuha...ada special entry hihihi

  5. hehe... doesn't matter... ^_^...

  6. wahh ! dapat big hug ! :)
    bestnya kalau ada reader yang loyalty :)

  7. hehe .. gud luck ye kak :)

    > eh, ade itik ler.. hehe :D

  8. muahhh utk nisa jugak.. :-)

    nisa baik.. peramah n rajin bw.. mesti org pun suka singgah blog nisa.. :-)

  9. nisa sihat ke?.. sy kurg sihat sikit.. selsema + sakit kpala.. mula2 alisha selsema lps tu ibu alisha ni pulak yg jangkit..hehhe

    btw, dah klik2... utk hannah :-)

  10. nanabyte include x?

    if it's, ureshii-wa~ :P

  11. kita semua kan kawan....betul tak nisa..

    done klik2 for nisa..

  12. takpe la..PM datang sini nak baca entri omputih..:)

  13. btw, nisa chan. u're so tagged.

  14. hihi,rmai pembaca setia nisa ni..tahniah dear!!

  15. keep on writing dude!! love it.. *terharu

  16. heeheee :). best baca entry kak nisa :). omedetouu! :D

  17. @Cik Teddy: hihi~..

    @mas: leh je mas, hehe..

    @aReLaN: err..nani? nan desuka? nsb baik awk translate.. sy nie br level 1, hehe.. result xtau la kuar bile, huhu~.. T_T

    @Cik Rose: hihi~.. utk sumer readers sy gak.. ^_^

    @kim: muahhh lg kat kim.. <3

    @wan: hihi~.. yup, coz that's why I appreciate all of u~.. ^_^

    @Nurrul: hug yg special nie..hehe.. yup, mmg best kalo ade loyal reader..

    @era: hihi~.. itik comel tue awk la.. >_<

    @Ina: baik? xtau la..peramah? maybe, hehe.. rjin bw? mmg sah la tue keje sy tiap ari, hihi~.. muahh~!! la..Ina & Alisha skt eh? klinik tau...get well soon ye..

    @nana-chan: msti la include nana-chan gak, watashi no tomodachi~.. ^_^ btw, thanks ye tag..

    @Kak Fieda: yup, btul sgt la tue kak, hehe..

    @PM: owh ye ke? t'haru nie.. >_<

    @yui: xde la byk sgt.. tp sy appreciate sgt2.. ^_^ thanks dear..

    @EruzuLiyana: owh, thanks so much dear~!!

    @Eza: hihi~.. ye ke? arigato gozaimasu, Eza-chan~!! ^_^

  18. hope to get a lot of readers like you too! hehehe. congratsssss :D

  19. @Joel: hihi~.. thanks Joel.. it's ok, you'll get more in days to come.. >_<

  20. singgah sini lagi dan lagi. Dooeta shimashte. :). Hee. Sama-sama.

  21. untunglah dia..

    blog femes mcm tu ea?ehhee

  22. wah sy pun silent reader gak....
    sbb kebykkan blog pasal personal....
    nak komen pun pikir pjg je....

  23. @Eza: hihi~.. thanks Eza dear.. muahh~!!

    @achie: haha.. blog nie famous? mane ade la achie oi..jgn nk wat lawak.. ^_^

    @Azmi-kun: tau dh awk nie mmg jnis silent reader..hehe.. >_<

  24. wahh! nama saya! hehe. terharu! thanks sis nisaa! lepas neh tak jadik silent readers dahh, insyaALLAH. hihi

  25. @nuha: hehe..thanks tau dear.. sbb awk kate ari tue la, br akak prasan akak ade readers akak sndri, hihi~.. ^_^

    @yana: muahh muahh yana blk.. >_<

  26. hehe. takda hal lah akak. ramai lagi readers akak tuh, cuma tak menonjol and akak tak sedar ja. hehe. bytheway, thanks for accepting me here, in your 'green'! hihi

  27. gud luck syg..

    nad ni pun tengah blogwalking talking ke semua blog ni...^_^

  28. @nuha: hehe.. ye ke? maybe kot, akak pun xtau, lalala~.. ape2 pun, thanks dear.. ^_^

    @Nad: yup nad.. byk blog nk kne bw nie..hehehe..

  29. nisa.. saya rasa kan.. blog awk yg baru ni lbh ramai readers n peng'komen' berbanding blog lama kan?.. so, saya rasa, ini slh satu hikmahnya DIA suruh awk buka blog baru.. :-)

    Apa yg dia rancang utk kita semuanya yg terbaik kan..

  30. @Ina: ye ke Ina? agaknye la kn, hehe.. sy mmg lg suke ngan blog yg nie.. ^_^ hihi~.. btul3.. stuju ngan kate2 Ina tue..thanks dear..


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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