Friday, 20 January 2012

Of weird search words & Nuffnang stuff~..

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Search words.. It's always fun to know what kind of words/phrases that people type that cause them to be directed to your blog. Hihi~..

Ok, so maybe my blog is weird, as proven below, huhu~..

I wonder who in the world is looking for Nabila's phone? Hehe.. >_< And who searched my name? (even though there's a little mistake in the spelling)

But still, Naga-kun's name is always in the search words, hihi~.. Way to go, Naga-kun~!!! ^_^

Btw, the BE that has been lounging around at my old blog has now turned into my 9th ME. So now I have no more BEs & my earnings are now RM33.50. Still a looooong way to go, but then again, I'm not blogging for the money, haha.. XP

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. hehehe, yea betul kita blogging bkan sbb duit pun :D

  2. naga mesti ade ye..hehe

  3. hihii ramai betoi org cari pakwe nisa ni..hehheh

    ramai org berkenan dia ni..

  4. blog akak pelik ke? era tengok tak ler.. hehe

  5. ada tips tak, nak share dengan Eza untuk dapatkan BE? hihi..

  6. naga-kun sentiasa di hati kak nisa.. so cweet..:D

  7. naga-kun sentiasa di hati kak nisa.. so cweet..:D

  8. ahaha..
    saya pun suka tengok search word orang hehehe...
    wah be dia banyak..
    be saya sikit je..muehehe..

  9. Dorang nie mmg suka cari benda yg pelik2~ huhu=.= kdg2 lawak pun ada.hee :D
    Wah,bnyak da dapat BE erk?? :)

  10. hehe..kelakar blh plk dorang search no phone nabila kt sini...mcm2 la dorang ni..

  11. akak pun suka tengok keyword..lps tu senyum sorang2 kalau ada keyword yang ntah apa2. ^__^

  12. quite funny gak kan bila tengok searching keys yang masuk..mcm tak masuk akal pun ada...hehehe

  13. haha.. macam2 yang orang search kan. =)

  14. lots of japanese terms i see.

  15. bnyaknya be dah metered...femes siot^^

  16. hehehe.. takpe2.. sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit ! :)

  17. thats so bluffing thing... hehe...

    I'm wondering is that person found something by finding the Nabila's phone?

    hahak... so funny that person..

  18. @Aisyah-chan: saje nie wat2 xfaham..hehe.. aisyah-chan bkn ade Nuffnang gak kn? XP

    @Ecah-chan: Naga-kun tue wajib ade, hahaha.. XD

    @Cikbolat: tue yg pelik tue.. siap cr fon lg, hehe..

    @Ina: tue la.. boifren sy nie kn famous & hensem, hihi~.. ^_^

    @Era-chan: ntah.. huhu~.. XP

    @Eza-chan: tips eh? ermm.. nnti akak wat entri ye, hehehe.. yup, msti la Naga-kun sntiase di ati, hihi~.. ^_^

    @Cik M: xde la byk mane pun dear.. nie dh setahun nye earnings nie, haha.. XP

    @Iqa: tue la, pelik2 aje ape yg org dok google kn? BE tue xde la byk mane pun, huhu~... >_<

    @Kak Fieda: mmg mcm2 kerenah org, hehe..

    @Kak Ujie: sronok kn tgk search words nie.. nsb baik blog sy still bersih.. ^_^

    @shida: btul3.. hihi~.. yg xde kne mengena ngan blog kite pun ade kn?

    @PM: duit ape eh? ntah la.. lalala~.. XP

    @yad'z: mmg mcm2.. nsb baik xde yg pelik sgt3, hehe.. XP

    @SimplySeoul: actually, lots of Naga-kun's names, hehe... XP

    @achie: bile lak sy famous nie? BE nie sket je pun.. huhu~.. XP

    @Nurrul: kn kn? tp xkisah pun psl duit Nuff nie..

    @Wan: yeah, I'm wondering about that too, hihi~.. ^_^

  19. alhamdulillah..:)

    betul tu syg..tu duit sampingan jerk..:)


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