Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Pelik Tapi Tetap Comel

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I'm gonna join this 8th activity by GENG fiQ'Ra. If you're interested in joining, juz click the banner above. Don't forget to be a member first, so click here if you want to register.

So.. what are the weird stuff about me? A lot, haha..

* I have a fear of driving a car, that's why I haven't got a license yet (but hope to have one!)

* I like looking at guys on those big race bikes, haha.. XP

* Boys called me "Bird" back in my school days "-_- (coz they said I always seemed to be "flying" - wonder whateva that means)

* I'm forced to wear glasses coz I used to read books/novels in the dark (plz don't follow this habit!)

* The lense power of my glasses is totally different (the right lense has a higher power, huhu~..)

* Although I've stayed in the UK for a few years, I don't have a British/Scottish accent

* I could play in the snow until my hands were all pink ">_<

* I've never met/seen Anuar Zain even though he's my neighbour... (but I've met Ziana Zain, hehe..)

* My Japanese nickname is Yuki Sanosuke... (mayb I'll tell you about that in another entry, hehe..)

* I have a bad chemistry wif dogs.. (been chased by dogs 3 times when I was little, huhu~..)

* I like sleeping early, then wake up in the middle of night to go online.. (try asking Achie, Azmi-kun, Ain, Ika & Wan if you don't believe me, hehe..)

Now for some cute things about me~.. >_<

* I was once a cute little girl..

* I luv singing songs, hihi~..

* I'm a panda lover~!!!!! ^_^

* I'm simply head over heels wif the colour green >_<

* I absolutely appreciate frenship, whether online or in reality ^_^

* I'm a really good listener, hihi~.. (yeah, you can share any probs wif me..)

* I'm a friendly blogger, I think.. XP (plz correct me if I'm wrong)

* My boifren Naga-kun is soooo handsome that he makes me feel cute, haha.. >_<

* I used to draw manga-style~.. (dunno if I can still draw now)

* I'm such a romantic girl~.. ^_^

* I make cute felt crafts, hihi~.. >_<

I've followed/liked all the sponsors for this activity.

Missladyanashop (Blog & FB)

AHC AmyHakim Contemporary (FB)

Cemara Biru (FB)

Hani Mardhiah (Blog & FB)

Cute lens Lover (Blog)

Sweet Home Boutique (FB)

My Online Boutique (Blog)

Nurwiyah Boutique (Blog & FB)

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. panda lover -.-

    singing song, yeah i like too :P

    amboi ofren die, naga kun ,okay saya tak kenal die. hehe .Still DP tu kan :))

  2. @Yana: yup, still gune DP Naga-kun, hihi~.. >_<

  3. ala2..gud luck yer=)
    pelik tp comey (^__^)

  4. wah !! kak , jangan terpesona tgk ayah kim yang bermotor bike race suda,... haha ! nanti mak kim marah :P

  5. they called u bird? alolo.. comelnye =D

  6. untunglah saudara retis,,

    #kita apa ada..hehee

  7. wah.. byknya yg nisa dpt detect perangai nisa yer...hihii

    oo sama mcm sy dulu2... tido awai n bgn semula nk on9..hihii

  8. wah, suka nyanyi ek.. ada mcm zianan zain tak?? hehe.. nice.. free2, jmput singgah blog, jmput bc entri HUKUM MANDATORI??

  9. berjiran dgn anuar zain upernya...
    oo ptut la selalu pagi2 time org tido nisa on9 rupanya nisa dah tido awal2 ye...hehehe

    kiut giler nisa msa kecik...boifren pun hensem..hehehe

  10. Weee! suka panda jugak! comey sesangat :)

  11. I already follow this habbit : I'm forced to wear glasses coz I used to read books/novels in the dark

  12. @Nadrah: hehe.. thanks dear.. rs nye sy nie lg byk yg pelik, cume mlu nk listkn lg, haha.. XP

    @kim: owh, ayah kim naik race bike eh? wah, b'gaya la!! hehe.. >_<

    @cikbolat: ha'ah..bdk laki kat skool suke pgl sy "bird"..pelik gile tue..huhu~..

    @achie: sdare artis? xla..tue jiran, ngehehe.. awk ade ape? well..awk ade kwn cam sy, haha.. XP

    @Ina: hehe.. tp byk lg yg pelik sy xlistkn, hihi~.. tue la, skrg dok wat camtue la, tido awal, bgn tgh mlm, haha.. >_<

    @Razik: suare sy cam Ziana Zain? xla, haha.. kalo x, dh lame sy jd artis, hehe.. XP

    @Kak Fieda: ha'ah kak..hehe.. sy penah prasan akak on9 gak mlm2, hehe.. boifren sy mmg hensem, lalala~...

    @PM: terkesima? nape?? hehe...

    @zareliqa: suke panda gak? yeay, ade geng!! hihi~..

    @Azmi-kun: isy2.. kn sy dh kate jgn follow habit tue. hehe.. (memain je..) lalala~..

    @Nizam: sy comel? thanks!! haha.. *prasan jap*

  13. the real thing is, you always wake up early in the middle of night and messing with my blog and GF rite... hehe... JK...

    nway, i'm also panda's lover..

    and like to say "untungla dpt pergi UK..."

    also "wow, how cute is she when she was a little girl..."


  14. comelnye pelik pelik nisa :) suka tengok cerita jepun ke? akk pun :) akk kenal ehem ehem nisa tu :)

  15. wah..dah buat..jeles2..kena cpt ni..hihi.

  16. @Wan: yeah, I really do like messing wif ur blog, ngehehehe.. >_< kite kn geng on9 mlm, lalala~..me? cute? thanks!!! heheheheheeh..

    @gades pelik: hehe..minat gile anything about Jpnese tau.. knal kn? Naga-kun tue..hihi~.. ^_^

    @yui: ngehehe.. cpat la yui wat.. hihi~..

    @Kak Fieda: thanks so much, kak.. ^_^

  17. nisa memang comel dari tecik2 lagi..hihihi =.=

    p/s: xdpt joint coz xda idea la nisa..sob2...

  18. wow nisa..nomei2 nya budak ni..heee..
    eh..jiran anuar zain ya..
    ce tangkap gambar dengan dia sekali tengok..hehe

  19. comel dia masa kecik... weee~ best lah diaa dapat maen salji..kikiki :D

    didie ada jugak nama jepun.. iva nakayama...translate dekat mana pon xtaw..entah betul ke x..hihi

  20. @Syieda: hihi.. time kecik je comel, bsar nie x dh.. la.. try syieda pikir2..tnye muncet ke..hehe.. >_<

  21. @yna: xpenah jmpe die lg la, tue yg sdih tue, huhu~.. T_T

    @Didie: hehe.. ade name jpun gak eh? sy pki reka aje tue time mude2 dlu, lalala~.. >_<

  22. wahhh, gudluck sis :D

    lyana xsure lah lyana boleh join ker x, bcoz xtau macm mana nak show buktinya :) lyana xtau nk guna printscreen 2 :(

    btw, skrg pown kamu cute jugak :D

  23. wah!! cepatnya dah buat...tengah pening fikir ni >.<

  24. @e-lyana: thanks dear, hihi~.. la.. lyana xreti ke? akak leh je ajar kn.. btw, akak comel? uhuk2.. *batuk jap* thanks!! ^_^

    @zahidah: hihi~.. wat cpat2.. sy nk bc gak..hehe..

  25. kak nisaaaa nia taktau lah nak buat pasal apa.haish, nanti approve nia dalam FB craft akk tauuuu, :D friendly blogger tu setujuuu heheh :D good luck kakak syg :D

  26. @Nia: ye Nia dear..hehe.. akak dh approve dh, hihi~.. ye ke akak friendly? bgus la, ngehehe.. ^_^

  27. anyonyoooo . jiran dgn AZ n ZZ . walawehhh , best bangat , jumpe kim salam taw . heeee

  28. @fazleeana: sbnrnye jiran ngan parents diorg.. diorg nie kdang2 blk sni, hehe..owh, ok dear.. kalo jmpe, haha.. XP

  29. no.4 ! same with me !
    last,i'm a good listener too ! hahak

    untung dpt blaja kat UK <-- tibe2 speaking melayu kn ?? hihi

  30. heheh...akk pun suka tido?haha! samelak kite =P

    yup2,,selamat bile buku dibalut.
    a'ah kak..anak las,tapi bukan ikan emas..hehehe XD

    wah akk,smela kite kak.saya suka baca dlm gelap!itu psl pakai spec cm akk jugk >_<

    bab suke nyanyi tu tk pyh ckplah,memg suke jugk! :D
    akk dulu duk uk rupenye..wah2,mesti best :]
    comel lah akk mse kecik,tembamnye~~ hehehe sama cm sye..kecik2 tembam je ^_^

  31. @Ira Nur: no 4 yg mane tue dear? yg pelik ke comel, hehe..

    @Nasuha: hehe.. tp kn dear.. masalahnye akak nie smpi dh bsar pun still tembam gak.. ">_<

    @Mas: thanks mas.. tp sy join suke2 je la dear, hihi~.. XP


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