Sunday, 30 September 2012

See you @ UM (1st Oct - 6th Oct 2012)~!!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Honto ni gomenasai for not updating for a few days and not visiting your blogs. I'm quite busy right now, and will continue to be busy until the end of next week.

I'm joining wif my crafter fren Dewi's Artwork Station in opening a booth at UM. It's actually in conjunction wif UM's convocation fest. More details can be read here.

BTW, here's a little sneak peak at what I will be selling, apart from my other crafts. 

Chibi Muslim Boy Plushies

Chibi Muslim Girl Plushies

Coin purse

These are new products of mine. So.. if you happen to be in KL or PJ or Klang Valley next week, do drop by our booth, as you will get to browse our crafts in person. o(≧∇≦o)

Do take note that I possibly will be extra busy the whole of next week. Your comments have yet to be published, gomen ne. I still have a few more stitching to do now, huhu~.. ~(>_<。)\ So, I guess I'll see you afterwards then, hehe.. (─‿‿─)

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Blog Saya Biasa Biasa Je Tapi Cool!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

If in the previous entry, I joined Lynn's segment, now I'm gonna join her contest as well. This contest ends 28th September 2012, at 11.59 pm. So if you feel like joining, juz click the banner above.

My best entry? Hmm... Let me think.. (−_−;)Hoho.. I don't think there is such thing as "the best entry" in my blog, coz actually, I write crap, aih.. _| ̄|○

So mayb, in my opinion, this entry --> here <--is the best so far for me. Nan desu ka? Why?? Well, coz I actually made it into a sticky post so that I could always look at Naga-kun's face (that was before Nabila kindly made me the Naga-kun header, hehe..) 
<( ̄︶ ̄)> Honto ni suki desu~!!

I'm gonna tag:

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Segmen: Saya nak hadiah Misteri dari si Pipi Merah

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I'm gonna join this segment by Lynn. The deadline is not yet confirmed, but you can join by juz clicking the banner above. This is the easiest segment I've joined, hehe!! >_<

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

[WW #13] 16th & 17th BE~...

P/s - although I've been quite busy, Nuffnang has been sooo generous for giving 2 new BEs, hehe.. Now I have 3 BEs running (at my old blog~).. (ヘ。ヘ)

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Segmen : Tangkap Follower Sebanyak Mungkin

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I'm gonna join this segment by Nabila. It ends at 11 pm on 30th September 2012. Juz click the absolutely kawaii banner above to join. o(≧∇≦o)

This is a printscreen of my current followers. There's 779 of them, hihi~... Let's hope there's an increase, ngehehehehe... (⌒▽⌒)☆

I'm gonna tag:

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

[ST #10] Cousins are our first friends~..

Source: Facebook

P/s - it's so true, isn't it? I'm glad I have cousins, hehe.. >_<

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

[WW #12] My Sim's house~...

Click pics to enlarge

P/s - Currently playing The Sims Social on Facebook. My Sim's house has a theme of green + pink~.. n_n

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

[SS #6] Blue - Best In Me

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Honto ni gomenasai... Sori that I haven't been updating my blog for a few days. It's not that I couldn't get online (I'm online almost every day, ngehehehe.. XD) But I'm currently busy doing felt craft orders from customers. ">_<

Nway, let's talk about this song that I'm gonna post today. Of course, you do know Blue, right? No? They're the boy band from UK, consisting of Lee Ryan, Ant, Simon & Dunc (he's my fave!!)

Blue members: Simon, Dunc (yeay!!), Lee Ryan & Ant

They've came to Malaysia once (can't remember which year though..) My fren got a chance to meet wif them, and she sent me a pic as proof! (I was green wif jealousy, huhu~....)

Blue was once quite famous, but not so now. The song "Best In Me" is the best Blue song, for me lah, hehe.. The words & tune are juz so sweet & keeps me in a good mood. It's actually about that special someone that makes you be a good, or perhaps, a better person whenever you're wif that person. Have that kinda person in your life? (I don't, but I juz luv this song so much, haha!) Then you might find this song juz right, hihi~.. n_n

The part I love the most:

'Cause you bring out the best in me, like no one else can do 
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you 

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

P/s - Hepi Malaysia Day too~.. ^_^
Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

[WW# 11] - Post-Eid pic of Hannah

P/s - this is Hannah wearing her baju kurung raya & her very own hijab, hihi~... ^_^

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

My 15th BE~...

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Most blogs that I visit are talking about Nuffnang cashouts & new BEs. Well, I may be far off to cash out my Nuffnang earnings, but I do have stuff to tell about my new BE, hehe.. XP

Since I haven't been blogging for over 2 months, I didn't expect to get anything from Nuffnang. But lo and behold, Nuffnang has given a new my old blog.

It's my 15th BE in overall (not my 15th BE this year, huhu~..) Nuffnang always gives BEs to my old blog. I do wonder when this blog will get one? ">_<

Nway, thanks Nuffnang. At least my earnings are increasing, hehe.. XD

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Received another doodle from Apit~!!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Last week, I joined Apit's segment via my contest blog. It was an interesting segment coz I had to create phrases that would cheer up bloggers who come to my blog.

And lucky me, I'm one of the 42 participants who got a doodle exclusively from Apit. See my kawaii doodle he made for me:

Hehe.. Arigato ne Apit. This is the 2nd doodle I got from him. Click here if you wanna look at the 1st doodle. I'm gonna put this doodle at my sidebar, hehe.. >_< If you want more cute doodles, you can get the freebies at his blog. ^_^

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Jom Join Bloglist Miss Nadya Power !!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I'm gonna join Nad's segment. It runs until 30th September 2012, I think, hehe.. Juz click the cute banner of hers, hihi~.. >_<

So...I need to introduce myself? Nah... I think you've already known things about me, right Nad? Hehe.. Well, juz a quick glance about myself:

* loves panda & anything green
* Juz turned 24 this month, haha!!
* Owns a craft blogshop

Note to Nad: Sori that I haven't visited your blog in such a long time. Ngehehe.. XD

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Segmen: Saya Blogger Cool

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I've accidentally been tagged by Kak Rose to join this segment, which is organised by Shawal. It ends 30th October 2012. Come & join now by clicking on the banner above.

I'm gonna tag:

all of you who's reading this post, ngehehehe.. XD

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Hanif Idrus Segmen Menerjah

Salam n hye everyone~!!


I've been tagged by syieda to join this segment. It's organised by Hanif Idrus. The segment runs until 30th September 2012. Juz click the banner above if you wanna join, OK?

I'm gonna tag:

The good thing about this segment is you get to acquire new frens & increase traffic to your blog. Cool, rite? >_<

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Committing Sins in a Sacred Place.. "-_-

Salam n hye everyone~!!

2 days ago (Wednesday), my parents sent my bro Ayep to LCCT. He's going back to Bangalore, India, for his 2nd year in medicine. Yeah, he's the 2nd doctor-to-be in my famly. >_<

While he was perfoming the zuhur prayers at the terminal, his backpack was missing. It was by his side before he started the prayers. But after he gave the salaam, his backpack was gone, or in other words, stolen. There goes his laptop, Sony PSP & other stuff. Fortunately, Ayep's passport, boarding pass & other documents were in a smaller bag.

A thief in a ironic is that? I guess some people are never frightened of committing sins, even in sacred places such as a mosque or musolla. It's such a disgraceful thing to do. "-_-

I hope all of you will be cautious & careful of your things when out of the house. Like Ummi used to tell me, always put your bag in front of you when you're going to perform the prayers in public mosque. Coz like what happened to my bro, thieves are EVERYWHERE..owh dear.. o_o

Till then, thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

[WW #10] - My blogshop's 1st giveaway~... ^_^

P/s - I'm organising a giveaway for my blogshop. Hope you can join~.. >_<
P/p/s - I made a lucky guess & will receive RM10 duit raya from Kak MJ... Alhamdulillah & hooray~!!! XD

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Yup... I'm 24~...

Salam n hye everyone~!! have you been enjoying your weekend? I'm actually eating my b'day cake now, hehe... 

"Elon" is my nickname  among famly members & relatives..hehe.. XP

2 big candles + 4 little candles = 24 years old~!!

I'm only gonna be online for a short while tonite, juz enough time to announce the winners who guessed my age right. The 3 people who were quick in guessing are...

Congrats!! Omedetou~.. To these 3 people, plz send me your details to my email ( or my Facebook

And domo arigato to those who have wished on my b'day. I'm truly touched..*sob3... >_<

Nway, time to continue eating my yummy cake, hihi~.. XD

P/s - I'll visit your blogs later, OK?

Till then, thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
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