Sunday, 16 September 2012

[SS #6] Blue - Best In Me

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Honto ni gomenasai... Sori that I haven't been updating my blog for a few days. It's not that I couldn't get online (I'm online almost every day, ngehehehe.. XD) But I'm currently busy doing felt craft orders from customers. ">_<

Nway, let's talk about this song that I'm gonna post today. Of course, you do know Blue, right? No? They're the boy band from UK, consisting of Lee Ryan, Ant, Simon & Dunc (he's my fave!!)

Blue members: Simon, Dunc (yeay!!), Lee Ryan & Ant

They've came to Malaysia once (can't remember which year though..) My fren got a chance to meet wif them, and she sent me a pic as proof! (I was green wif jealousy, huhu~....)

Blue was once quite famous, but not so now. The song "Best In Me" is the best Blue song, for me lah, hehe.. The words & tune are juz so sweet & keeps me in a good mood. It's actually about that special someone that makes you be a good, or perhaps, a better person whenever you're wif that person. Have that kinda person in your life? (I don't, but I juz luv this song so much, haha!) Then you might find this song juz right, hihi~.. n_n

The part I love the most:

'Cause you bring out the best in me, like no one else can do 
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you 

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!

P/s - Hepi Malaysia Day too~.. ^_^
Join my blogshop's giveaway~!!


  1. Best in me! suka lagu ni.. hehe

  2. of my favourite :D dulu selalu layan lagu all rise dan one love..hehe

  3. @aisya: best kn? hihi~..

    @puteri: wah.. puteri minat lgu all rise & one love eh? suke gak lgu2 tue.. ^_^

  4. suka lagu blue...
    time sekolah dulu selalu dengar lagu blue.. ^_^

  5. @Kak M: hehe.. same la kite..

    @Aiisyah: ye ke? xpe, google je diorg nie, hehe.. XP

    @Ruha: btul3.. same la ngan sy.. hoho.. XD

  6. diorg ni dulu mmg femes.. sama level dgn nkotb & bb ^^

  7. dulu memang selalu gak puteri layan lagu diorang..cuma sekarang je dah lama tak dengar..hehe

  8. hihihi sis pun tak kenal sangat...

  9. xpnh kenl pun group skng dh kenl dh..hehe

    *Gomen ne..xbz pun cume mls nk update je..bile bleq umh bru update..hehee

  10. @caliph-kun: yup3.. dlu mmg diorg famous, hehe.. bb tue sape? bsb sy knal aa, ngehehe.. XD

    @puteri: lgu nie sy t'dgr kat radio, tue yg tibe2 trase nk tulis kat entry..nostalgia jap, haha.. XP

    @Kak Rose: diorg nie famous time sy skool dlu, hehe..

    @syahmi-kun: awk tue knal artis2 Jpun & Korea je, hehe... owh ye ke? igtkn busy, hehe.. >_<

  11. kurang kenal, nanti search kt googgle nk tgok.
    Salam kenal greenpanda

  12. pernah kenal group ni..ok jugak

  13. dulu minat dgr lagu2 diaorang ni

  14. yaaa , sya suka kumpualn blue .. tp sya paling minat lgu SOORY SEEMS TO BE THE HARDEST WORD lgu ni laaa sya buat 4 lgu blog sya :)

  15. lama x dgr cerita kump ni.. hehe

  16. @TiranaAduka: google2 je, hehe.. salam knal gak..

    @yui: btul3, hihi~..

    @Kak Tihara: byk lgu diorg yg best2 kn?

    @bechrooy: bgus2..hehe.. XP

    @amira arbain: yeay, ade geng! owh ye ke? nnti nk terjah la blog awk..hihi~... >_<

    @ejulz: diorg still idup lg, cme byk aktif kat UK je,, hehe..

  17. sekolah dulu i minat sangat2 Ryan ..suka lagu d'org...i dah folow dah dear...tq sangat2...

  18. waahh, dulu pun Nana dengar2 jugak lagu dari Blue. I wonder what they are up to now? XD

  19. layan jugak kumpulan BLUE ni..:)

  20. @kate: kwn2 sy pun suke ngan Lee Ryan gak, hehe.. thanks ye..

    @nana-chan: ermm.. xtau la, tp rsnye diorg still active kat UK sane, hoho.. XP

    @farz: bgus2, hehe..

  21. bgus nisa... minat lagu2 omputih.. sbb tu nisa teror bi ;-)

  22. dulu lagu2 dorg mmg top kan nisa :)

  23. @Ina: hehe.. xde la Ina, ade gak lgu mlayu yg sy minat.. tp lg byk lg english aa, ngehehehe.. XD

    @shida: ha'ah, btul3..hehe..


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Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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