I'm actually in the process of editing my new blog here. Loads of stuff to do, hehe.. And I've also got a lot of following & blogwalking to do as well.
For those who are kind enough to drop by here, and maybe follow this blog, THANKS!! I'll certainly follow you back..hihi~..
OK, I've gotta fill up my empty bloglist now. See you later!
Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!
done follow u dear..
ReplyDeleteohya, so, bila dh tukar emel n blog, macamana dgn nuff nisa yer.. kan dh ada byk earning?
@Ina: thanks dear.. psl Nuffnag tue, sy nk try tnye kalo leh tukar email ke x.. arap2 la leh, huhu~...
ReplyDeletehaa tu la.. harap2 blh la.. lgpun earning dh banyak..
ReplyDeleteRasa emel boleh tukar, leh chek tutorial blog ada bgtau cara2nya
ReplyDeleteTolong komen banyak-banyak di "Contest Gadget Impian…"
@Ina: doakn ye kalo leh, hehe..
ReplyDelete@Myra: leh tukar ke? ok2..thank for the info.. hehe..nnti sy komen byk2 ye..
Pasal nak tukar emel tu leh refer blog ni
ReplyDeletewww.sinarraudah.com pastu search tutorial..
MJ tak ingat dia punya link.. :)
Tolong komen banyak-banyak di "Contest Gadget Impian…"
complicated jugak ehhh bile tukar blog dan emel ape sume. :)
ReplyDelete@9n0L4: mmg ade sket complicated gak la, hehe.. >_<