Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hannah & her kitchen~!!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Over the previous weekend, I bought some food play sets for Hannah. A few tableware & some food, hehe..

Since the kitchen that I had when I was little is still in good condition, (it was bought in Scotland, hihi~..) I thought it was time for Hannah to play masak-masak.

This is the kitchen. It actually has a roof but I couldn't find the pillar that supported the roof.

And here are pics of Hannah playing masak-masak wif her kitchen & the kitchen set that I bought for her.

Hannah also has her own table. It's actually my brother's when he was little. Yeah, my family loves hand-me-downs, hihi~.. She put her teddy bear at the table's seat as she cooked for the bear. >_<

I'm planning to buy more kitchen sets for her, i.e more food, more tableware etc, etc. Hihi~.. I feel happy watching Hannah play. ^_^ Brings back memories of my own childhood.

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. hannahhhhhhhhhh auntie pun nak main jugak!!!... saya suke la nisa... adussss seronoknya hannah... ibu alisha ni pulak yg terlebih xcited.. hihii

    btw, meja alisha tu blm sampai lagi... pakcik courier tu akn hantar rumah hari ni... harap2 bungkusan tu meja alisha la.. sbb saya dah xsabar nak tengok... hihii

  2. comel budak ni..geram rasa nak cubit^^

  3. Wahhh bestnyer menan nie...
    Mesti nanti Hannah pandai memasak :)

  4. @Ina: hihi~.. Alisha srh la abah blikn kitchen mainan gak..hehe.. x pun, dtg sni main ngan Hannah.. ^_^ owh, msti best la meja Alisha dh smpi kn?

    @Yui: nie mainan turun-temurun nie..ngehehe...

    @Woofer Storm: hihi..jgn cubit kuat2 sudah... XP

    @MJ: wah, best la kalo Hannah pndi msak..goyang kaki la sy nnti, hehe...

  5. nisa, anak nisa ke ni? hehe.. comel nyaaaaaa...

  6. @Mas: ha'ah..my daughter la tue..comel cam sy la (haha..prasan gile!!!)


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