Saturday 19 November 2011

New blog, same blogger~..

Salam n hye everyone~!!

This is actually a new blog. But I've been blogging since August 2010. My old blog ( is no longer accessible to me as I'm unable to open my Gmail. 

It feels really sad to leave such a wonderful blog wif wonderful followers...huhu~... So here I am, wif a new blog & a new Gmail, but I'm the same me wif the same blog title. "^_^

I do hope this kinda problem will not occur again. Anyway, feel free to become a follower of this blog. I'll certainly follow you back. ^_^

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. salam nisa..laa..yeke..cian nisa..alahai..syg tu ekan2..ifa dh folo nie..hee

    wah..nisa duk shah alam katne?ifa dpt keje kat area saujana resort section u2..bgn peremba square..buat masa nie ifa tmpg umah pakcik ifa dulu..n gi keje pun tumpang pakcik ifa la..ifa xcari lagi bilik2 sewa kat area tmpt keje ifa..sbb xtau lg kan macam mana keadaan die..=)

    tq so much nisa sbb sudi tlg inform ifa..=)

  2. most welcome biggie..harus la folo nisa nie..hee..

    owh..baek la..tq ye dear..ifa pun xtau gak..xpernah gi pun..hihi..die bgnn theta edge kot..ifa keje under anak syarikat die nisa..=)

  3. @Ifa: salam ifa.. sori la, nyusahkn ifa je srh dtg sni n jd follower, hehe.. btw, nnti kang sy tnye ayah sy kat mane area tmpat ifa keje tue.. ok? mane tau kite leh jmpe ke, kn? hihi~.. ^_^

  4. gmail prob or terlupa password ke apa??tkpe yg lama tu bole jd reference

  5. la..sian nisa..dh kena buat blog baru plk...alamak...susah la kan nak kena cari geng balik nk suruh follow..sayang blog lama tu..kalau kak fieda kena camni pun mesti sedih...

  6. owhh... sorry 2 hear about your ol' blog. Sure frust giler...cemana agaknya nak elak perkara begini ya..? Apapun, all the best ya!

  7. sian dkt nisa.. nisa dah try import ke?

    p/s : mestilah rindu kat nisa... dh lama nisa xmenjelma dkt blog.. hihii.. nsb baik nisa dh gtau sy awai2 yg emel nisa xleh buka...

  8. @amy: mule2 tue mmg lupe psword..coz ari tue tukar.. then bile xtau psword, nk jwb security question xleh lak...xtau nape.. dh bgtau prob nie kat Gmail, tp ntah ape resultnye..huhu~..

    @Kak Fieda: tue la pasal.. xpe la, mule dr bwh la nmpknye sy nie, hehe..

    @ET: hye~!! thanks drop by sni.. yup, mmg frust gile2 la, huhu~..

    @Ina: dh try import tp xleh.. rupenye kne save dlu isi2 dr blog lame dlm computer, br la leh import.. aih..lain kli nk save awl2..sbg backup.. ha'ah, email pun xleh gak la.. sy ade acc Gmail br lak..

  9. yg movie free dutchlady tu bole je join kalo ada ank2 yg bwh 12 thn..2thn bole la join..cpt register

  10. @Amy: owh ye ke? ok2.. nnti sy register bile free ye.. hehe.. thnx..

  11. blog baru ke nisa...aduhhh xpe, nasib kite baru jugak...hihihih ^_^

    folo nisa...^_^

  12. @syieda: hye dear~!! thanks la sudi dtg follow sni.. ha'ah..same la nsb kite kn? huhu.. "-_-

  13. oooo. ni kirenye second blog la ye. ;)

  14. 9n0L4: ha'ah.. nie 2nd blog la, hehe..


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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