Monday 13 February 2012

1st day of class | Final sem~!!!!!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Gomenasai for not updating yesterday. I wanted to take a rest from going online, hehe.. Yappari (I suppose) many of you missed me, right? Hihi~... 

Kyou wa (today) was the 1st day of class for my final sem. Yeah, my final sem~!!! Doesn't that sound sooooo good?!! I'm only a few months more before graduating, yokatta!! >_<

My faculty (Faculty of Languages & Linguistics) always has foreign students studying & taking classes wif us. But this sem, there seems to be more Korean & Taiwanese exchange students as compared to last time. Mayb they like Malaysia a lot, hihi~...

Lee Ji Ah~.. >_<
I don't mind being wif foreigners, coz they're all frenly. In my class, I have frens from AfricaThailandMaldives. Being surrounded wif foreigners, kinda makes me feel like I'm studying overseas. Haha!! XD

Nway, as what I've seen earlier today, there are a lot of kawaii  Korean girls in my faculty. (I dunno what's "cute" in Korean, I juz know Japanese, hehe..) I wonder if the boys are cute too? Hehe.. >_< You can immediately recognise that a person is Korean or Taiwanese by looking at their face & style. They're juz so trendy & kawaii~!!! You do understand what I'm trying to say here, right? XP

Lee Min Ho~.. >_<
I'm actually pretty tired now. Going to UM & back home basu de (by bus) is absolutely tiring!! "-_- I thought mayb I won't update my blog today, but since I saw that some of you are starting to wonder why I haven't posted anything, so here's my entry then, hehe~...

Tomorrow I'll show the stuff I bought using the remaining RM100 book voucher. Yeah, I went book shopping again last Sunday, hihi~... ^_^

Thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. nisa..belanja buku soal jawab ustaz azhar untuk PM satu...:)

  2. wah!! seronoknya.... dpat jumpa student2 dr luar negara...

  3. i have so many friends from India like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Amir Khan....
    belajar rerajin.... sy doakan kejayaan kwn2 sy.....

  4. wah..slmt memulakan sem ya nisa..

    good lck!!

  5. @PM: sori PM.. dh abis gune dh voucher tue ahad lpas.. sape srh xpesan awal2? haha.. XD

    @Hanamiko: mmg best.. dh biase dh pun, hehe.. >_<

    @Azmi-kun: wah... kwn ngan Salman & Amir Khan??!! Jealous sy!!! hehe.. XP thanks coz doakn sy, hihi~.. yup3..nk blaja rjin2 aa nie..

  6. wow..its quite interesting having foreign student in class!.awesome..u can share more interesting place,their language and so on!.

  7. horrayyyy dah final sem... sy pun seronok..hahhaha

    btw, baguslah awk skrg... sgt rajin update blog... suka sy tgk... blog awk xmggambarkan apa yg awk lalui skrg... Good job my dear!! :-)

  8. best nye kak nisa da final sem ! :')

  9. wah..dh nk hbis bljar..bestnye.huhu

  10. wah...bestlah..ade mixed with Korean student..jeles asenya..hihi..nty bleh ar nisa-chan stdy dgn dorg skali..wah dh sem last insyallah buln 4 nty konvo..i can't wait to long time..hehee

  11. kem salam kat awek2 korea tu ye.hehehe

  12. bestnya dapat belajar dan duk sama2 dengan rakan2 foreigners... x dapat saya bayangkan kalau boleh jatuh cinta d kampus dengan awek korean... mesti best.. ekeke

  13. lelaki korea comel2 aw..hehehhe

  14. Kesian kak nisa, mesti letih tu. Huhu. :) Apapun, kuatkan semangat! :D
    Kat rumah rehatlah cukup2 keh.

    Bestnya satu kelas ngan org korea..^^

  15. oklatu dpt ramai kwn dr negara luar..btw,selamat kembali ke semester baru..hihi..dhnak abez sem kn..Ganbatte !!

  16. oo,nisa kt um ye...nana prnh p um ritu:)tdo blek akak en.kimie,skg dia da grad da:) da keje...hee...

    nana prnh jgk class dgn foreigner,tp rmai yg dari iran:) sebelah blek pn org snyum2 gitu je...nk tgur xreti nk speaking mcm nisa:)

  17. selamat belajar!! :) gudluck awak ;D

  18. huhu,, u r very lucky.. got so many friend from oversea.. very2 interesting.. wow

    \\( ^_^ )//

  19. patutlaa tuan umah mahir byk bahasa.. under fakulti bahasa rupanya ^^

    *gambatte ne...

  20. wah menariknya~ nak juge~ mesti bestkan sembang dengan diorang..ada yang pandai cakap melayu tak~

  21. @eca: yup3.. it sure is fun having frens from different countries, hehe.. ^_^

    @Ina: yeay~!! hehe.. xde la rjin sgt update, tp try utk update 1 entri tiap ari, hehe.. XP thanks dear.. sy try lupekn sgale yg myedihkn, hehe.. >_<

    @ghost: yes, mmg best~!! ngehehehe.. XD

    @CikTeddy: best..pnat dh blaja lame2 nie, hehe.. XP

    @syahmi-kun: sy xpenah lg borak ngan awek korean..ngan mamat korean penah, hoho.. XD wah, syahmi-kun konvo bln 4 nnti? kat mane eh? hehe.. congrats ye.. ^_^ omedetou~..

    @alan-kun: ehem3.. tau la awek2 korea cun2 kn? hihi~... XP

    @Gen2: hehe..jtuh cinta ngan org korean? leh je.. tp tkut die yg xsuke kite, heheheehe.. >_<

    @nanakimie: la...nape xbgtau sy time nana dtg um dlu tue? hehe.. owh, sy nie pun xde la teror mane speaking, biase2 je nana.. XP

    @Fatin: thanks ye dear~!! ^_^

    @CikUna: I guess I am lucky, hehe.. thanks dear..

    @caliph-kun: hihi~... xde la mahir byk bhasa pun... XD

    @Ecah-chan: diorg (student foreigner) mmg kne amik klass BM.. so diorg tau aa sket2 BM, yg basic je la.. XP

    @Cik Rose: hoho... sgt suke, hehe.. >_<


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