Friday, 10 February 2012

Omedetou~!! We have the winners~!!!!

Salam n hye everyone~!!

I'm guessing it's high time for me to announce something special, right? Before that, Mizzs Ninie & I would like to thank all of you for joining our simple 6-day contest

All your entries are awesome, but unfortunately, we are only able to give out prizes to 3 winners. And plz take note that for the prize for the 1st winner is changed from a mere topup to a mystery gift from Mizzs Ninie. Hihi~.. ^_^

Drum roll plz~!!! Now I'm gonna announce the winners........
such a creative & meaningful entry,
I felt like crying, huhu~.. *touching*

1st prize winner
Felt keychain from Greennnpanda Craft
Mystery gift from Mizzs Ninie
[plz PM Greennnpanda Craft & Mizzs Ninie to claim]

this entry has been cutely made with kawaii doodles..

2nd prize winner
Felt keychain from Greennnpanda Craft
RM5 topup from Nisa Greennnpanda
[plz PM Greennnpanda Craft to claim]

a sweet entry full of mice, hehe..

3rd prize winner
Felt keychain from Greennnpanda Craft
[plz PM Greennnpanda Craft to claim]

So that's it then. The awesome winners, omedetou!! Don't worry, all of you were sugoi (great) as well~!! Ashita (tomorrow) I'll let you know some of the names that I have caught my attention, your name might be included! Hihi~... ^_^

Thanks for joining & happy blogging~!!


  1. hoyehhhh!!! dia dah umum .... waaahhh!!! congrates untuk sume pemenang tur ^^

    :: tak yah mesej kak, era dah bace :D

  2. tahniah buat pemenang..

    Sori Nisa' akak tak sempat join..hehehe..

  3. untungnya mereka! heheheeh tahniah! ;D

  4. my name inside there..


  5. wah..kenapa gmbr ni comel sgt..:)

    nak curi jerk rasa..:D

    tahniah kepada pemenang..;)

    amboi..sekali nisa menyerang..tu dia aih..:)

    p/s :: xnk lah naga-kun sebab dia skandal nisa..:D

    mn ada awet muda..dush..:)

    single not available dah nad ni..:)

    dorang makan telur untuk protein..:)

    tasha manshahar tu penyanyi you tube..

    thanks syg sudi like pic..:)

  6. tahniah pd yg menang..sdihla klah..hehe..

  7. tahniah kepada semua pemenang.. hihik. omedetooou ;)

  8. tak menang pun..geram ni..heheee

  9. congrats buat semua...:)sory ye nisa nana xjoin, btw nama nana nisa tau kan:)

  10. tahniah pd pmenang..

    nisa, awk buat sndirti gambar2 yg umum pmenang tu ek.. serius.. cantik giler!! hihi

  11. @Era-chan: haha.. akak dh msg Era-chan dh pun, lalala~..

    @Aisyah-chan: hehe.. >_<

    @Kak Nida: it's ok kak, hehe.. contest nie pun kjap aje.. XP

    @Fatin: hehe~...

    @Nur Anisah: ^_^

    @yui: hehe..

    @Nifah: congrats dear..awk mmg layak mnang coz kreatif sgt, hehe..

    @Nad: amboi, pjgnye komen die, ngehehehe.. XD owh, tasha manshahar tue pyanyi youtube eh? br tau, hehe.. >_<

    @syahmi-kun: ala, jgn aa sdih2 eh.. lain kli sy wat GA/contest lg ye.. ^_^

    @Eza-chan: hehe...

    @nur_za: same2 dear & congrats gak.. ^_^

    @lyana: XD

    @achie: ceh, sape srh awk xjoin, lalalalalala~.... >_< hihi~...

    @nanakimie: xpe, it's ok.. yup3, tau, hehe..

    @Ecah-chan: hehe~..

    @Cik Zaiey: ^_^

    @Ina: yg nie pun gune paint gak.. sy suke google pic2 anime then edit2 camnie, hehe... >_<

  12. tahniah semmua yg menang ye.....


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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