Monday, 27 February 2012

Greennnpanda Craft - my blogshop~!!!! ^_^

Salam n hye everyone~!!

Honto ni gomenasai~.. I'm really, really, really sori for not updating for awhile. I'm actually busy wif my studies & crafting & stuff, that I don't have the time to go online, huhu~.. T_T

Hopefully, by the end of this week, I won't be too isogashii (busy) anymore. So by that time, I'll be able to visit all of you back & reply your comments. Arigato gozaimasu for coming here even though I haven't been online much. >_<

Nway, in the meantime, I'd like to introduce all of you to my blogshop. It's called Greennnpanda Craft. I make crafts out of felt, and they are all 100% handmade by me, hehe... XP 

Greennnpanda Craft

The blogshop has been beautifully designed by Eca, so kawaii, isn't it? If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have such a nice-looking blogshop, wif pandas & so green, hihi~... If you want your blog to be edited for a reasonable price, do contact Eca. :3

I also have a Facebook page for my craft business. I'm still a newbie, so there aren't much products on display. You browse through the albums at the Facebook page. I'll be updating all of the crafts at my blogshop later, hehe.. >_<

Juz finished making these~.. >_<
Special thanks to Nabila, who surprisingly made an entry about my blogshop. Thanks so much dear, hihi~... ^_^

Till then, thanks for reading & happy blogging~!!


  1. yeah..uda mula beroperasi..eca lupa nak letak banner kt situ pula.nnti eca free,eca letak yer...hehehe.

    #too many blog need to design :(

  2. Oh So cute!!! Kawaii Desu >.<
    Daijobu,studying is a priority
    All the best for your studies :D

  3. ooo nisa suh eca edit ek.. cantik!!!! sy mmg sk hasil kerja eca ni :-)

    btw, tahniah dah ada blogshop :-)

  4. wahhh cantikk nisa craft tu..blh la tempah :)

  5. wahhhh comel comell laaa kak! hehehe

    anyway, selamat malam! :)

  6. tahniah nisa...moga bisnes berkembang maju...

  7. Ya Allah..comelnya gmbr anime tu..hehe bulat2 mata.. ^_^

  8. wa, sugei~ pandainye nisa-chan wat craft tuh sume. it's okay, we will patiently wait for your comeback, eh :3

  9. wah..buka biz suda..jeles2..teringin gk nk bli..btw, harga bpe ea??

    p/s: sejujurune nk bli brg2 on9 ni tp bile bab posage jd lemah suda..

  10. wah..buka biz suda..jeles2..teringin gk nk bli..btw, harga bpe ea??

    p/s: sejujurune nk bli brg2 on9 ni tp bile bab posage jd lemah suda..

  11. comelnye la hai smue yg nisa buat tu!! gerammmmm sgt tengok!!! hehe

    cik ana

  12. wah!! lama betul akak x on9..heheh

    akak nak jual eh...?

  13. serangan bertubi-tubi dari miss nadya yang mendatangkan diri dari blognya ..:)

    wah...Alhamdulillah..ramainyer buka blogshop..jeles..:D

  14. cntikkk ! comell la craft akak.. huuuu.. takpe..take ur time oakayyyy

  15. huhu...okay2x..lame dh xupdate blog ae..msti bz ni..hihi..jmptla dtg blog sy..

  16. Congratulations on the opening of your blog shop :). Will try to visit and buy it as much as possible.

  17. support u, akak nisa. hihik. All the best akak.

  18. wah,nisa pandai bercraft rupanya:)


  19. kawaii ^^ nak satu... cehh.. saje je..

  20. Wahh..comelnya craft akak ~

    Saya tag akak.. ^_^

  21. comellar. ade bintang, teddybear, cake, dan rabbit pon ade. >_<

  22. @eca: Thanks tau eca coz wat kn design blogshop sy, sgt sesuai, hihi~.. ^_^ owh, byk org nk design blog eh.. hehe..

    @Liselle: hai2, sou sou, hehe.. >_<

    @Ina: ha'ah.. eca yg editkn blogshop sy tue.. comel kn eca wat? thanks dear~...

    @shida: leh je tempah, meh3..hehe.. XP

    @Clive-kun: sy comel eh? hoho.. XD

    @Kak Fieda: amin3~.. Thanks kak..

    @CkinKembaq: sy mmg suke ltak pic anime dlm entry, hihi~... >_<

    @yui: thanks dear.. jom same2 kite b'kraf!! hehe..

    @fizah: meh la order fizah, hihi~..

    @nana-chan: xde la pndai mane, still newbie nie.. XP tadaima~!!!! hehe..

    @ika: hehe..meh3 bli.. kalo ika nk tgk hrga brg, leh usha kat FB page sy.. nape ngan postage dear? huhu..

    @cik ana: hehe..thanks~.. >_<

    @Aisyah-chan: biase aa, busy, so xdpt aa nk on9.. yup3, akak jual aa nie.. hehe.. ^_^

    @Nad: amboi.. dtg b'tubi2 eh.. alhamdulillah gak.. bile lak nad nk bkak blogshop nie?

    @AmyBolat: thanks my dear adik, hehe.. >_<

    @syahmi-kun: yup3, t'sgt busy tau.. ok, sat lg sy visit blog awk..ok?

    @SimplySeoul: Thanks dear.. I really appreciate it! ^_^

    @Eza-chan: thanks support akak, hehe.. XP

    @nanakimie: still newbie lg nie nana, hehe..

    @Hani-chan: nk 1? kne bli, lalala~.. XP

    @Sabrina: thanks.. ok, nnti akak jenguk ye..

    @era-chan: mcm2 ade, ngehehehe.. XD

  23. selamat malam Kak Nisa! makan pe untuk malam ni?hehe :)

  24. tak hupdate lagi kak ?


Feel free to drop any comments~.. O(≧▽≦)O
Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます~..

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